The first big wedding of the season can be intimidating.
But then you're met at the door of your first stop with the biggest of smiles and all of that fades away. Introductions. Click. Laughter. Click. Preparations. Click. Toddlers waking up. Click. Joy. Click. You've found that rhythm again. The beat that grabs your attention. It's good to be back and taking photos again.
And what a way to start the wedding season. A beautiful May morning in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The little big city on the East Coast. The one with the laid back attitude. The one with a penchant for not getting ahead of itself. And there I was, in the heart of it all.
A casual stroll down Spring Garden Road. A ceremony overlooking College Street and beyond. Photos in the Public Gardens, followed by a serving of Moon Mist ice cream. A backyard reception in Cole Harbour. This is bliss. Taylor & Elliot opened their home to friends and family and hosted the perfect kitchen party.
Thank you, friends. That bacon was delicious.